Siren's Commands


siren about - shows info about the bot
siren ping - checks the bot's latency
siren stats - displays Siren's varius stats
siren settings - shows the bots settings
siren help - shows the menu you're looking at right now


siren lyrics [song name] - shows the lyrics to the currently-playing song
siren nowplaying - shows the song that is currently playing
siren play <title|URL|subcommand> - plays the provided song
siren playlists - shows the available playlists
siren queue [pagenum] - shows the current queue
siren remove <position|ALL> - removes a song from the queue
siren search <query> - searches Youtube for a provided query
siren scsearch <query> - searches Soundcloud for a provided query
siren seek <HH:MM:SS>|<MM:SS>|<SS> - seeks the current song
siren shuffle - shuffles songs you have added
siren skip - votes to skip the current song


siren forceremove <user> - removes all entries by a user from the queue
siren forceskip - skips the current song
siren movetrack <from> <to> - move a track in the queue to a different position
siren pause - pauses the current song
siren playnext <title|URL> - plays a single song next
siren repeat [on|off] - re-adds music to the queue when finished
siren skipto <position> - skips to the specified song
siren stop - stops the current song and clears the queue
siren volume [0-150] - sets or shows volume


siren cat - shows some unknown kitties
siren devcat - shows some of my kitties
siren httpcat - shows some http kitties
siren dog - shows some unknown doggos
siren catfact - shows a kitty fact
siren dogfact - shows a doggo fact
siren sheep - shows some sheepy pictures
siren bread - shows some bread pictures
siren chatbot <message> - lets you have a conversation with siren
siren lovetest <name one> and <name two> - test the chances of relationship
siren roll - rolls a dice for you


siren covid - shows statistics of COVID-19
siren iplookup - shows some info about an ip address


siren warn <username> [reason] - warns a user in your guild
siren kick <username> [reason] - kicks a user from your guild
siren ban <username> [reason] - bans a user from your guild


siren prefix <prefix|NONE> - sets a server-specific prefix
siren setdj <rolename|NONE> - sets the DJ role for certain music commands
siren settc <channel|NONE> - sets the text channel for music commands
siren setvc <channel|NONE> - sets the voice channel for playing music
siren announce <message> - posts an announcement (BETA)
siren prune <number of messages> - deletes messages in bulk
siren setembedcolor <hex code> - changes Siren's default embed color


siren autoplaylist <name|NONE> - sets the default playlist for the server
siren guildlist [pagenum] - shows the list of guilds the bot is on
siren update <message> - posts an update announcement (BETA)
siren debug - shows debug info
siren playlist <append|delete|make|setdefault> - playlist management
siren setavatar <url> - sets the avatar of the bot
siren setgame [action] [game] - sets the game the bot is playing
siren setname <name> - sets the name of the bot
siren setstatus <status> - sets the status the bot displays
siren shutdown - safely shuts down